On November 15, 2024, Maarten Verboom successfully presented his Master’s Thesis to around 100 interested listeners, which was carried out within the MELODY project.
The International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024) took place on 8-14 September in Rome, Italy. Johan gave an oral presentation about sand-wave induced form roughness.
On 5 July 2024, Carlos Bedon Pineda successfully presented his Master Thesis, which was carried out within the MELODY project!
The fourth User meeting was hosted by Rijkswaterstaat in Utrecht, on 24 May 2024. Philippe, Laura and Maarten presented their work within the framework of Melody.
Laura, Pieter, Johan and Suzanne have published a research article on sand wave-induced form roughness. We extend the concept of form roughness to a tidal setting and study how sand wave-induced form roughness depends on bedform characteristics.
The NCK Days 2024 took place on 13-15 March in Amersfoort. Laura and Carlos presented their current work and engaged in many insightful discussions!
The third User meeting was hosted by Deltares in Delft, on 24 November 2023.
In November 2023, two UT-students have started their MSc projects: Carlos Bedon Pineda on modelling sand wave roughness (at UT) and Maarten Verboom on bathymetric data near power cable routes (with TenneT).
The second User meeting was hosted by TenneT in Arnhem, on 11 May 2023.
The first User meeting, serving as the kick-off of the MELODY-project, was held at the University of Twente, on 11 November 2022.