
Welcome to the website of the research project MELODY!
MELODY stands for ModEling LOwer Shoreface Seabed DYnamics for a Climate-Proof Coast. The project started in September 2022 and is carried out at the University of Twente, The Netherlands.

To achieve a climate-proof coast, we must better understand the lower shoreface bed dynamics. This zone forms the essential link between the offshore seabed and the nearshore zone, controlling how climate change, and the activities to cope with it, affect the coast. MELODY tackles this challenge by unraveling sand transport processes and tidal sand wave dynamics, thus contributing to sustainable marine & coastal management.

On this website you will find more information on the MELODY project, our team & partners, key results, publications and much more. Enjoy!

  • Bathymetric chart of part of the Netherlands coastal zone, showing the lower shoreface and a variety of rhythmic bedforms including tidal sand waves


The research project MELODY is funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) within the domain Applied and Engineering Sciences (AES) (project number 18949).

MELODY will help coastal management to deal with climate change effects (such as sea level rise), and to find suitable locations for offshore sand extraction and wind farms, facilitating energy transition, in harmony with other seabed activities.

Latest news

Fifth User meeting at Witteveen+Bos

The fifth User meeting was hosted by Witteveen+Bos in Deventer, on 28 November 2024. Laura, Philippe and Maarten presented their work.

MSc Thesis graduation

On November 15, 2024, Maarten Verboom successfully presented his Master's Thesis to around 100 interested listeners, which was carried out within the MELODY project.

ICCE 2024

The International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2024) took place on 8-14 September in Rome, Italy. Johan gave an oral presentation about sand-wave induced form roughness.
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